The Institutional Frame and OMSAR's role:
The ministry of state for Administrative Reform plays an essential role in defeating anti – corruption in Lebanon. This role has been established in 2011 as follows:
In 2011, Prime Minister Najib Miqati prepared some institutional arrangements which aims at creating a framework for the integration of prevention and anti-corruption bodies in order to activate coordination among them and ensure the realization of international, regional and national commitments. This framework consists of:

Ministerial Committee for Anti - Corruption: 
Established by the Prime Minister’s resolution No. 156 on January 27, 2011. The Committee is headed by the Prime Minister, which includes the Minister of State for Administrative Development Affairs as Vice-President of the committee, Minister of Finance, Minister of Justice, and the Minister of Interior and Municipalities.

Technical Committee Assisting the Ministerial Committee:
It was established by the Prime Minister’s resolution No. 157 on January 27, 2011. The committee is headed by the Minister of State for Administrative Development Affairs, and it includes representatives of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Interior and Municipalities, the Supreme Judicial Council, Central Inspection Council, the Civil Service Council, the Audit Bureau, the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Supreme Court.

As the Chairman of the Technical Committee, the Ministers of State for Administrative Development have, within several years, set up several mini-committees to carry out various anti-corruption tasks:
1- Decision No. 184 of 2012 on the formation of a technical committee to answer the self-assessment list of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
2- Decision No. 85 of 2013 on the formation of a committee to develop proposals concerning the national strategy for anti - corruption.
3- Decision No. 174 of 2016 on the formation of a mini committee to develop a national strategy to combat corruption.
4- Decision No. 98 of 2017 on the formation of the National Panel on the activities of the conference of the States Parties to the United Nations Convention for anti – corruption.
5- Decision No. 63 dated 23/5/2014 on the formation of a mini committee to assess Lebanon's implementation of asset recovery measures contained in chapter V of the United Nations convention against Corruption.
6- Decision No. 64 dated 23/5/2014 on the formation of a mini committee to assess Lebanon's implementation of the preventive measures provided in chapter II of the United Nations Convention against Corruption.
7- Decision No. 289 dated 29/05/2019 on the formation of a committee to support the law of the right to access information.
