
General Description
Within the framework of the “Policy, Planning and Governance Program” that was supported by the EU and managed by OMSAR, a project titled “Strengthening HR Capacities in the Lebanese Public Sector was launched in 2013.

The CSB, Ministry of Public Health, Ministry of Social Affairs, Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Industry and the ENA.

Improve the HR functions in the civil service, develop new systems and coach public sector employees on the implementation of the modern deliverables in collaboration with the Civil Service Board.

Achievements, Milestones and Deliverables
-    Development Plan for the CSB;
-    Development Plan for the ENA;
-    A modern recruitment system to be adopted by the CSB with diversified selection devices and a professional sequence of steps to make sure that the most competent people will be appointed from amongst the applicants.;
-    A competency-based job description that will form the base for all the relevant HR functions;
-    A modern performance appraisal system that is based on a competency framework. The CSB has drafted a law to reflect the components of the new system;
-    A professional, step-by-step methodology for upward mobility (advancement and promotion); 
-    A simplified Training Needs Assessment Methodology;
-    A simplified Training Impact Assessment Methodology;
-    A new training curriculum for the ENA, mainly in the fields of communication, leadership, HRM and quality management
The project was closed in 2017, but the dissemination of the outputs, coaching, coordination with the Civil Service Board are still ongoing with a future vision to widen the scope of the administrations involved in the HR efforts. HR Task Forces have been established and well-trained, accordingly.  
Currently, the OMSAR is working with the CSB to develop a Directory for Referential Jobs that includes standardized job descriptions for the common positions that exist in the Lebanese ministries. Completing the job descriptions for pilot ministries is a set target for the upcoming period. The OMSAR is expected to support the CSB to coach and train the civil servants on the implementation of the performance appraisal system.

Source of Fund: EU
Contract value: € 1,825,552.50
Closing date: Feb-17
Achievements,Milestones,Deliverables Status
Job Description Methodology with pilot J.D's elaborated - Methodology rolled-out and adopeted
- Workshops are being conducted to transfer the J.D methodology technique to the public sector

- J.Ds are under development for referential jobs in the public sector

Modern Recruitment System Ready for implementation
Performance Evaluation System - Ready for training and implementation
- Law under development
- Available on website:
Advancement and Promotion System - Ready for implementation
- Available on website:
Development plan for CSB Ready for implementation
Functional design of HRM information system Available and ready for development
Training Software Management System Developed 
Training Needs and Impact Assessment Methodologies - Tested in pilot ministries and ready for implementation
- Available on website:
Development plan for ENA - Plan approved by ENA and ready for implementation
- Training programs developed and incorporated into the curriculum