SOPMIP is the Government of Lebanon (GoL) Sectoral and Organisational Performance Measurement and Inspection Pilot Programme that uses Process and Tools based on the the outcome of the inclusive, participatory system development and implementation processes in a dynamic partnership between the tripartite parties (Ministries, Central Inspection and Office of the Minister of State for Adminsitrative Reform -OMSAR). It builds on the earlier experiences with organizational performance inspections but with a more comprehensive and integrated focus encompassing both organizational and sector performance measurement and inspection. In the process, also sectoral Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Indicators got integrated in the system. SOPMIP tools got further field-tested and refined and SOPMIP processes further streamlined and structured based on the lessons learned from actual implementation and field testing. The other major challenge attended to has been the further automation of the scorecarding covering the individual indicators level all the way up to the overall sectoral performance level and its constituting Key Performance Areas.
A Guideline has been developed to be as practical as possible as user-friendly hands-on tool for the actual completion of the SOPMIP templates, guiding the whole process from the selection of Key Performance Areas, the identification of sets of Key Performance Indicators, their baseline and targets benchmarking, and their measurement and scoring for reporting and inspection.
First Phase:
- 6 Ministries and Directorates(-General):
Ministry of Economy and Trade, Directorate General of Urban Planning (MoPW), Ministry of Industry, Directorate of Revenue (MoF), Directorate General of Hydraulic and Electric Resources (MOEW), Directorate of Primary Education (MoEHE)
Second Phase:
- 4 Ministries and Directorates(-General):
Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Environment, Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (Directorate of Roads)
- Office of the Minister of State for Administrative Reform
- Central Inspection
Overall Objective: To enhance the capacity of the Central Inspection (CI) of Lebanon to conduct performance inspection activities that are based on valid and solid indicators and to provide the appropriate methodology for the public administrations to conduct internal institutional performance evaluation.
Specific Objectives:
• To focus the inspection activities undertaken by the inspectors on the organizational and sectoral performance of the public entities under scrutiny.
• To improve the capacity of the CI to assure its control and inspection functions by relying on KPIs.
• To ensure compliance of Public Administrations in applying a scientific approach, helping them to abide by the Legislative Decree 111 of 1959 requiring Directors-General to prepare (semi-)annual organizational and sectoral performance reports for submission to the Civil Service Board and the Central Inspection.
• To strengthen human and institutional capacities of Public Administrations to effectively apply modern approach helping in preparing annual and semi-annual performance reports in a standardized and objective way.
Scope and Phasing
• Focusing has been on participatory performance planning and monitoring tools development in close collaboration between OMSAR and the Central Inspection together with the ministries in a triangular setting.
• Sectoral and organizational Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) development for sectors / Ministries.
• Performance benchmarking and reporting with the ministries including OMSAR.
• Attention is given to performance benchmarking and reporting on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) indicators by all Government of Lebanon Ministries.
• Subsequent SOPMIP expansion phases to gradually encompass all Public Administrations.
SOPMIP Methodology and Processes
• The SOPMIP process is initiated with the joint identification of the sectoral Key Performance Areas (KPAs), with a four-fold sectoral anchoring: institutionally, strategically, legally and budgetary.
• The development and selection of the Key Performance Indicators and Sub-Indicators (KPIs and S-KPIs) through joint work between the inspectors and public administrations, facilitated by OMSAR.
• The indicators’ benchmarking process (both baseline values and targets) by the ministry, and performance measurements, evaluation and inspections by the Central Inspection.
The SOPMIP automation is under preparation to help in automatically generated performance scores and color ratings, scorecards and dashboard graphics.
Source of Fund: Arab Fund
Type of activity: Support Central and Inspection and Ministries to use modern management techniques
Contract value: 549,991 Euros
Remaining: 168,822 Euros
Closing date: April-2021
Achievements, Milestones, Deliverables:
- 6 pilot ministries with 1,246 KPIs and 5,453 sub KPIs. Economy and Trade, Industry, Finance(revenue department), Urban Planning, Hydraulic and Electric resources, Education, in addition to four (4) new ministries (Phase 2): Environment, Agriculture, Labor and Roads and their KPIs and Sub-KPIs are in the process of development.
- Practical guide developed and being used
Status: Ongoing activities with full cooperation with the central inspection.